Web Browser Games

The modern web has quickly become a viable platform not only for creating stunning, high quality games, but also for distributing those games.

It is a multiplayer browser game that can be played on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iOS devices and Firefox for Android. Linerider – Online simulation game. May 04, 2020 For those unaware, the drumming game can be played through any web browser, allowing for multiplayer options where you can directly connect with a friend and compete for a high score. Slither.io Available as a mobile app as well as a browser game, Slither.io is an upgraded version of the classic Snake game. XR is an acronym short for “Extended Reality”, which includes augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, AR, VR, MR respectively, and all other real-and-virtual combined environments such as mobile devices with positional tracking or fixed display with head tracking abilities. Its connotation lies in the extension of human experiences especially relating to the.

The range of games that can be created is on par with desktop and native OS counterparts. With modern Web technologies and a recent browser, it's entirely possible to make stunning, top-notch games for the Web. And we're not talking about simple card games or multi-player social games that have in the olden days been done using Flash®. We're talking about kick-ass 3D action shooters, RPGs, and more. Thanks to massive performance improvements in JavaScript just-in-time compiler technology and new APIs, you can build games that run in the browser (or on HTML5-powered devices like those based on Firefox OS) without making compromises.

Web Browser Games 2020

The HTML5 game platform

You can truly think of the Web as a better target platform for your game. As we like to say, 'the Web is the platform.' Let's take a look at the core of the Web platform:

AudioWeb Audio API
GraphicsWebGL (OpenGL ES 2.0)
InputTouch events, Gamepad API, device sensors, WebRTC, Full Screen API, Pointer Lock API
LanguageJavaScript (or C/C++ using Emscripten to compile to JavaScript)
NetworkingWebRTC and/or WebSockets
StorageIndexedDB or the 'cloud'
WebHTML, CSS, SVG, Social API (and much more!)

The business case

As a game developer, whether you're an individual or a large game studio, you want to know why it makes sense to target the Web with your next game project. Let's look at how the Web can help you.

  1. The reach of the Web is enormous; it's everywhere. Games built with HTML5 work on smartphones, tablets, PCs and Smart TVs.
  2. Marketing and discoverability are improved. You're not limited to promoting your app on someone else's app store. Instead, you can advertise and promote your game all over the Web as well as other media, taking advantage of the Web's inherent linkability and shareability to reach new customers.
  3. You have control where it matters: Payments. You don't have to hand over 30% of your revenues to someone else just because your game is in their ecosystem. Instead, charge what you want and use whatever payment processing service you like.
  4. Again with more control, you can update your game whenever you want. No waiting breathlessly for approval while someone hidden within another company decides whether or not your critical bug fix will ship today or tomorrow.
  5. Control your analytics! Instead of relying on someone else to make all the decisions about what analytics you need, you can collect your own -- or choose the third party that you like the best -- to gather information about your sales and your game's reach.
  6. You get to manage your customer relationship more closely, in your own way. No more having customer feedback filtered through an app store's limited mechanisms. Engage with your customers the way you want to, without a middleman.
  7. Your players can play your game anywhere, anytime. Because the Web is ubiquitous, your customers can check their game's status on their phones, tablets, their home laptops, their work desktops, or anything else.

Web technologies for game developers

For the tech folks, let's dig into the APIs the Web brings to the table that cater to game developers. Here's a thorough list to give you a taste of what the Web can do for you:

Web Browser Games Farm

Full Screen API
This simple API lets your game take over the entire screen, thereby immersing the player in action.
Gamepad API
If you want your users to be able to use gamepads or other game controllers to work your game, you'll need this API.
Together, these two technologies let you build, style, and lay out your game's user interface. Part of HTML is the <canvas> element, which provides one way to do 2D graphics.
HTML audio
The <audio> element lets you easily play simple sound effects and music. If your needs are more involved, check out the Web Audio API for real audio processing power!
A powerful data storage API for maintaining user data on their own computer or device. A great way to save game state and other information locally so it doesn't have to be downloaded every time it's needed. Also useful to help make your game playable even when the user isn't connected to the Web (such as when they're stuck on an airplane for hours on end).
JavaScript, the programming language used on the Web, is blazing fast in modern browsers and getting faster all the time. Use its power to write the code for your game, or look at using technologies like Emscripten or Asm.js to easily port your existing games.
Pointer Lock API
The Pointer Lock API lets you lock the mouse or other pointing device within your game's interface so that instead of absolute cursor positioning you receive coordinate deltas that give you more precise measurements of what the user is doing, and prevent the user from accidentally sending their input somewhere else, thereby missing important action.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
Lets you build vector graphics that scale smoothly regardless of the size or resolution of the user's display.
Typed Arrays
JavaScript typed arrays give you access to raw binary data from within JavaScript; this lets you manipulate GL textures, game data, or anything else, even if it's not in a native JavaScript format.
Web Audio API
This API for controlling the playback, synthesis, and manipulation of audio from JavaScript code lets you create awesome sound effects as well as play and manipulate music in real time.
Lets you create high-performance, hardware-accelerated 3D (and 2D) graphics from Web content. This is a Web-supported implementation of OpenGL ES 2.0.
The WebRTC (Real-Time Communications) API gives you the power to control audio and video data, including teleconferencing and transmitting other application data back and forth between two users. Want your players to be able to talk to each other while blowing up monsters? This is the API for you.
The WebSocket API lets you connect your app or site to a server to transmit data back and forth in real-time. Perfect for multiplayer gaming action, chat services, and so forth.
Web Workers
Workers give you the ability to spawn background threads running their own JavaScript code, to take advantage of modern, multi-core processors.
XMLHttpRequest and File API
The combination of XMLHttpRequest and the File API lets you send and receive any kind of data you want (don't let the 'XML' throw you!) from a Web server. This is a great way to do anything from downloading new game levels and artwork to transmitting non-real-time game status information back and forth.

Sometimes, you just aren't looking for something serious. If you just got out of a major gaming spree and are looking to keep it light, or you're biding your time until the next big release, a browser game can satisfy those cravings without committing you to weeks of gameplay.

The Internet is home to massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), shooters and strategy games, as well as a few other favorites, such as your beloved Candy Crush Saga. They can all help you through a rough workday, or until your roommate is finished using your gaming console to watch Netflix.

Web browser games to play with friends

See also: 15 Vintage Video Games You Can Play on Your iPhone

These options are all free and can be played right now in your browser — no download necessary (with the possible exception of Java). While we certainly haven't covered every game available, these options are all quick to learn, fun to play and challenging enough to keep you busy.

Web Browser Games 3d

Have a favorite browser game that we didn't cover here? See something on the list that you love? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Flickr, David Guo's Master