Online Family Feud

Other Ways to Play. No Teams: This variant is a free-for-all, where everyone tries to guess. If you are the one operating the game, click 'Play Free Online' on MSN Games’ Family Feud page. Before pressing 'Play Now,' take the following steps to ensure that your Zoom is set up correctly: Click the 'Share Screen' button in Zoom and select the window displaying the game. How to Play Family Feud Game Online. Family Feud is an iconic trivia game show based on real survey responses! Each question has multiple answers, but the top answers (that were selected most frequently by the survey respondents) provide the most points.
Being a Flash idiot, coming up with a Family Feud Flash game for a student club I was involved with was quite the ordeal. I couldn’t find any pre-made Flash stuff! Back on October 14, 2006, I posted my version of this. Since then, several talented people have come along with improved versions with more features! This page now hosts all contributions to the whole “create your own Family Feud Flash game” idea!
Matt from Fusion7 Designs developed the most popular version. Warren from inkJet Oasis has built upon Matt’s version to create an even better version, including a Fast Money round. Download it here.
Click here to see a demo of Matt’s version here.
End users

Download the package. (For Matt’s original version, click here.) Unzip the file to a folder on your computer.
Editing the questions
Therefore, in order to change the questions, open the questions.xml file in any text editor (note: do not use Microsoft Word, as it really messes up formatting) and change the fields on the questions that are already there. You can have as many or as few questions, as well as as many or as few answers per question. To add a new question, your best bet is to copy and paste a question section and then modify it.
Here are some questions transcribed from actual shows of the game, graciously donated by dwayne:
– regular rounds
– bonus rounds
Trevor Tubbs has created a question and cheat sheet generator for Windows.
Running the game
After downloading and unzipping the package, and editing the questions as specified above, open one of index.html in your browser; ff.exe; or ff.swf.
Note: You will need the latest Flash player to view it, and I’m sure there is some kind of copyright stuff for the logo and sounds, so if you are interested in using, make sure that it is just local fun.
You can change the team name directly by clicking on it. You can load the question by clicking on the number along the bottom. Numbers 1-9 reveal the corresponding answers, the left and right buttons determine which team has control, and the spacebar commits the current points on the board to the team that has control. “x” will activate the strikes, and it will know how many there are. It basically reads the question from an easy to change/update xml file.
Other end user notes
Make sure you are familiar with the controls (in other words, practise!) before you play it live, as there are a few oddities. For example, if you press ‘x’ before the other ‘x’ has disappeared, the previous ‘x’ will remain stuck on the display. Also, if you use the mouse to click on an area anywhere but the question tabs at the bottom during a game, all controls are rendered inactive. To re-active the controls, move your mouse below the Family Feud logo until the arrow turns to a cursor (looks like a vertical line). Then click.
Online Family Feud Game
Need help? Visit the Family Feud forum.
Got an Android phone? Here’s a cool, free buzzer app (to see who hit the button first) developed by Sean. On your Android device, search for “feud buzzer” in the Android Market.
Download the developer package, which has the .fla, .swf, questions.xml, and required sounds. (For Matt’s original version, click here.)
The .fla file was created with Flash CS3, thus if you do not have the latest version of Flash, you will not be able to open and edit the source. You can download a trial version or buy the latest version of Flash at
Need help? Visit the Family Feud forum.

Family Feud For Kids Free
Peter’s Family Feud | Mitchell’s Family Feud |
Flash file Text file | Flash file Text file |
You can edit either text file to put in your own answers. If you have less than eight answers on a given board, just make “answernumber5″ through to “answernumber8″ equal to zero in the text file. | |
Instructions: Click somewhere on the board to “activate” the game. Press the numbers 1 through 8 on your keyboard to reveal the answers. Press “z”, “x”, and “c” to reveal the three x’s for wrong answers. | Instructions: Same features as the other board, but with more options! Click any of the numbers 1 through 8 to reveal the answers. Press “a” to start the theme song music and “s” to stop all music. Also, click the title or press “q” to reveal the question. |
Custom Family Feud Flash game generator Video tutorial on how to use the generator | Custom Family Feud Flash game generator |
First, follow the video tutorial. If that doesn’t help you, the most common problem is that you are using a Windows installation that hides file extensions. In that case, “questions.xml” is actually “questions.xml.xml”. Try simply naming it “questions”.
Still need help? Visit the Family Feud forum.
Thanks to this guy for coming up with a model from which I stole the sounds and to this guy for having a tutorial on how to link text fields to a text file.